Jesse Durko was previously the director of Flamingo Gardens Botanical Garden. He opened his own world famous nursery and gardens in 1990. The 10 acre property features unusual plants collected during his many travels throughout the world. The extensive collection features flowers, shrubs, aroids, heliconias, gingers, bromeliads, palms, bamboo, orchids, and flowering trees. The collection is esthetically arranged and displayed throughout the grounds and most plants are available for sale in the nursery. If you like gardens you'll love Jesse Durko's. Also well known for his landscape abilities Jesse has designed many public and private gardens, and most recently installed a Healing Medicinal Garden at the NSU campus in Davie. Jesse Durko's Nursery is easy to find and is open 7 days a week from 8 AM to 4:30 PM. Directions: From I-95 or the turnpike go west on Griffin Road to Viele Road ( SW.70th Ave ) Make a left and travel south ½ mile. From University Drive or I-75 travel east see Viele Road on the right and again travel south. The entrance to Jesse Durko's Nursery is clearly marked on the right with a sign.
. 10 acres of unique trees and plants,specializing in flowering trees and shrubs,palms,cycads,bamboo,heliconias,gingers and many more. We also do landscaping and design work.