Warning to anyone who owns a horse. It has come to my attention that a barn in Burlington, WI ""Jes De'Vinners Stables"" is running a facility that is unsafe to both animals, and children. The barn owners, Troy and April Lessard are now pending charges of Sexual Misconduct with a minor, attempted rape of a child, and animal cruelty. Troy has repetedly exposed himself and groped young girls who are at his facility, while his wife turns a blind eye. He has attempted to torture cats with pitchforks, and is starving the horses owned by people who board at his facility. Anyone who boards there that has confronted them about their actions have been forced to leave the facility, without a refund of their payments, and threatened with animal abandonment charges. There are several horses at their barn that are SEVERELY injured to the point where they are unable to walk, and are then whipped and kicked until they move. A few horses there have lost upwards of 100 pounds in less than a week due to not being fed grain or hay at all, all of which are on FULL CARE board with a written contract stating they would be fed three times a day.
Please help protect these beautiful animals who do not deserve this treatment, report Troy and April to the Walworth County sheriff for animal crualty, and warn anyone you know to protect their own horses and children by avoiding this facility.