Welcome to Jerold Henson Painting Contractors in Salem, IL.
For over 27 years we have specialized in both interior and exterior painting, drywall finishing and power washing.
Most of our painting business comes from residential homes, churches, banks, grocery stores, schools, & other commercial sites. Even though we do many large jobs NO job is too small for us to do.
Some of the Painting & Drywall work we provide is:
> Interior Painting including: Walls, Ceilings, Kitchen Cabinets, Vanities, & Doors and Door & Trim Staining
> Drywall finish in all types of new construction with multiple textures
> Exterior Painting of Aluminum, wood, & vinyl siding
> Painting of Decks, Fences, Windows, Shutters & Guttering
> Caulk & and Glaze windows
> Power Washing
Our painters are EPA certified to working in lead based environments.. |Decks|Exteriors|Maintenance|Paint Removal|Patios|Pressure Cleaning|Repairs|Staining|Wallpaper Hanging|Wallpaper Removal|Walls|Porches|Commercial Cleaning|Interior Cleaning|Windows|Deck Sealing|Interior Painting|Deck Cleaning|Exterior Painting|Commercial Painting Contractors|House Painters