Jensen's Target Collision
If you've been looking for fast and friendly service backed up by the quality work of experienced professionals, then your search has ended. Jensen's Target Collision has been servicing the auto body market since 1949. We work with all insurance companies to provide you with hassle free claims. While your vehicle is in the shop getting repairs from our ASE certified mechanics, we offer convenient rental cars for you to drive. We even offer free pick-up and delivery.Along with being a licensed appraiser, Jensen's Target Collision can also provide customers with a computerized estimate that shows exactly what needs to be done and how much it will cost.We are so sure that you will be satisfied with our work that we back it up with a 100% guarantee.. * 24 Hour Towing Available * Accident Repair * Air Conditioning & Heaters * All Insurance Claims Welcome * Auto Body Repair * Auto Painting * Body Work * Collision Repair * Complete Bumping & Painting * Dent Repair * Diagnostics * Domestic & Foreign * Electrical Systems * Expert Color Matching * Fenced Lighted Storages Area * Foreign & Domestic Vehicles * Free Estimates * Front End Work * Hot Rods & Custom Work * Insurance & Extended Warranty Repairs * Light and Heavy Duty Towing * Limited Lifetime Guarantee on All Work * Mechanical Auto Repair * Mobile Estimates * Pick-Up Deliveries * Radiators * Spray Booth * Struts * Towing & Recovery * Transmissions * Trucks * Tune-Ups * Unibody Specialists * Vans