The facilities are decent if not spectacular. But good luck trying to use them.
The facilities are consistently "blocked off" for league play. However, the leagues have very limited membership, leaving the facilities empty.
For example, the official Park District Racquetball League books all 3 racquetball courts from 6 PM - 9 PM Monday - Thursday. But the league membership is quite small, and I have never experienced the league using all 3 courts.
The third court is consistently empty everyday of the week, but is "blocked off" anyway, just "in case" leaguers decide to show up.
As of February 2011, for the past 10 consecutive weeks, there have never been enough league players to merit blocking off all the courts.
A group of guys and I have wanted to use the empty court on multiple occasions.
"No I'm sorry, that court is blocked off," w’re told.
"But there's no one using it," we replied.
"They might show up later," said Chief Dances with Racquetball, whose official title is ‘I-Have-A-Really-Long … ah …. Title-And-These-Courts-Belong-To-Me.’
"But all 3 courts are never used by the league. And we'd like to use it please."
"Are you threatening me?" demanded Chief Dances with Racquetball.
Well, no, I’m not actually, but since you asked, I think I’ll post a bad review on Google.