I find myself in Moyock regularly on business, and it can be hard to find decent food. It's gotten better over the last couple of years, with several new restaurants opening up. Unfortunately, it seems as if restaurateurs in the area think they can get by with anything because of the lack of competition. \r
Java Deli was once the best of the lot in this small town, but a recent redesign has ruined the place. Menus are overly dynamic, and you can never tell what they'll have to offer. Worse, in the evenings Java Deli stops serving sandwiches or much of anything else one would expect to find in a deli. If you don't want pizza or pasta, you're pretty much out of luck. They also have an extremely limited selection of beer, and don't allow shots of liquor, though mixed drinks are inexplicably allowed. \r
If you're stuck coming here I recommend one of the salads. Expect a lengthy wait, though, as the staff is perpetually overworked and outnumbered. They use the same glasses for water as they do for cocktails, so you'll also be sitting parched while waiting for a waitress to notice you. The host/ess wear headsets for some reason, maybe they would be better used for coordinating the floor personnel. \r
Java Deli used to be a very small bright spot in an otherwise bleak dining area. Now it's a distant second-fiddle to the local Mexican joint. Burger King or the Blackwater cafeteria are preferable, really.
Pros: Not much else in the area. Decent salads.
Cons: Clueless management. Everything else.