JasonWray LLC is a technology consulting firm located in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Our company exists to help small- and medium-sized businesses integrate technology into their daily operations to streamline their existing processes.
JasonWray, LLC is a registered Microsoft partner, and our technicians are Microsoft Certified. We have relationships with Dell, Trend Micro, and Backup Assist. We are also a licensed reseller in the state of Indiana.
Onsite (minimum 1 hour)
* Commercial - $115/hr
* Residential - $100/hr
Contract (>30 hours)
* 30-75 hours - $100/hr
* 76-125 hours - $95/hr
* 126-199 hours - $90/hr
* >200 hours - $85/hr
* Commercial - $95/hr
* Residential - $85/hr
* All Services - $75/hr
Backup Services
* LogMeIn Backup- A backup service that utilizes the internet to copy your files to our servers for safe keeping. A full backup is done on the initial backup, and then incremental backups (only changed files) are transmitted after that. The maximum total backup size for this service is approximately 10GB.
Residential Maintenance
* A service provided on a quarterly basis that includes:
* Antivirus/Antispyware check
* Windows Update status check
* Backup Service
* Remote Access