Like all Mondays, today this was busy and full of problems to solve. My wife calls me while she was taking my son to preschool. Her turn signals did not work, at all. Her emergency flashers did and from reading on the internet several posts it sounded like the switch in the steering column was out. That sounded expensive and like a pain in the butt to fix. So I called John Shea, down at Japanese Motorsports, we have used these guys in the past for scheduled maintenance and they always treat us right. John said, bring it in and he would help diagnose the problem. I came in and John looked up the wiring schematic on his computer and said that this particular model had two fuses and not one, so I bet it is just the fuse. He helped me find the fuse, and even replaced it for me!
Pros: Honest and really care!
Cons: none