Central PAYMENT <div> </div> <div>SpotOn</div>
<ul> <li>Providing Merchant Credit Card processing. Offering competitive rates & fees with a price guarantee.In addition to a fantastic rewards program to increase your loyal consumer revenue.</li> <li>So cancel that commercial you have with that local radio station! Which is costing a fortune. And get in touch "the power of the Internet.".</li> <li>The consumer today is into no commercials and can dictate there technology. Connect your social media (avg. times Facebook is checked in aday will amaze you)and collect you profits.</li> <li>What do you have to lose? I will do all the work and pay your termination fees of any current service! </li> <li>Drop a line and let me show you! You won't be disappointed!</li> </ul> <div> <div> <div> </div> </div> </div>. <ul> <li>Roampay Mobile Card Reader-For your iPhone or Smartphone</li> <li>Trinity program - swipe success The Virtual Terminal & E commerce Solutions</li> <li>Standalone terminals- variety</li> <li>HioPos Plus - All-in-One point of sale system</li> <li>Samsung tablet- rewards program preloaded in device with outstanding display! The perfect final touch!</li> </ul>