1st Look at all the other reviews, they all seem scripted and are ALL ON THE SAME DATES!!!
2nd This man is basically a con. He will lie to you like he cons all these fake reviews.
3rd His office won't return your calls and talking to MARK FARBMAN your lawyer won't happen unless you complain enough.
4th Charges way beyond what he should for the junk service they provide. YOU CAN FIND ANOTHER LAWYER WHO WILL DO THE JOB FOR 25% OF THE SETTLEMENT. He does it for 33.33% and charges other fees on top of that.
5th His staff especially his ""paralegal"" Gabriella will treat you as an idiot when she is the one who hardly knows what she is talking about.
Don't make the mistake, once you hire him you will be charged even though you fire him.
If you want a strong named attorney, just call Demayo or Crumley Roberts. They have a full staff that is willing to return your calls.
Be safe!!!