If you're feeling under the weather, you need to go get a Jamba Juice, specifically the one called Coldbuster. I had a pretty yucky cold last month and my husband picked me up one of these. Wow did it taste good and it felt good on my throat.
This is what is in it:
100% pure orange juice, orange sherbet, frozen peaches, frozen bananas, ice, vibrant C boost, immunity boost.
It is all blended together, kind of like a milkshake. I was so happy my husband got me the largest size available, because I was really loving life drinking it. I have to say, within about 30 minutes, I did feel a little better. I had an energy burst and was able to get up out of bed.
They do have other flavors available at Jamba Juice. My other favorite is the Strawberries Wild. Mmmmmm!