We are somewhat new to the area and have been searching for a mexican restaurant that measures up to one of our old favorites.
The non-smoking section really IS non-smoking. The chips and salsa were excellent. If you're picky like me, you don't like chunky salsa. Jalapeno's salsa is smooth with just a little texture, so you don't have to worry about digging around large vegetable pieces. Everyone was very pleased with their food, which arrived quickly and without error.
The prices are right ($5.95 for the burrito, but it was Wednesday, so only $4.95), the portions were good and all the chips and salsa you can eat.
The glasses are large enough that you won't be sweating bullets waiting for a refill every 5 minutes either. And speaking of refills, the service was great. Very friendly, prompt and attentive.
Pros: Salsa, Prices, Service
Cons: Location (hidden), Small waiting area