I took a pleated skirt and a pair of white pants that had a stain on the leg to this location and picked them up more than a week later, because that's how long it took them to handle this massive task. For $13+ I received pants that still had a stain on the leg, but now also had a massive, permanent crease in a totally random spot on the other leg, and a skirt that looked no better than it did when I attempted to press it myself with an iron... actually, I might have done it better myself: at least when I did it, all the pleats were more or less the same width. Now they're wide at the top and narrow at the bottom and folded at strange angles. Furthermore, when I called to complain, I was greeted with by unfriendly, unhelpful person who answered with, ""Oh. Fine."" and told me that nothing could be done until the owner returned on Monday. Definitely NOT worth the money or the effort. If they can't do better than this, they should find a new line of work.
Cons: poor service, high cost, takes too long