I shop this store frequently. They are always well-stocked with the basics for sewing. Fabric selection is plentiful and prices are competitive; however they often have great sales. I am usually pleased with their holiday fabric and craft selections. Holiday items usually significantly clearance the week before the holiday occurs. Lines can be long (both check out lines and fabric cutting lines) during the holiday seasons. One BIG disappointment in the store is the staff: they aren't as knowledgeable as I wish they could be on the subject of sewing. The staff is friendly and helpful to the extent of their limited knowledge. It is also sad that they offer little to no classes. For being one of 2 fabric stores in Greensboro, I'd think they'd offer sewing classes for all levels. Parking is never a problem. No complaints regarding prices.
PROS: prices, prices, prices; selection
CONS: lack of classes and knowledgeable staff