If you owe back taxes to the IRS, you are not alone. Call JK Harris today! Get the IRS off your back, so you can get back to living. We can help with: Penalties & Interest, IRS Liens, IRS Levies & Seizures, Wage Garnishments, IRS Audit Representation, & Unpaid Payroll Taxes. Over 225,000 taxpayers have chosen to benefit from the knowledge, experience and proven tactics of the JK Harris Tax Team. For the past decade, JK Harris has successfully negotiated settlements for our clients, saving them millions of dollars. JK Harris sales consultants are available to meet with you, by appointment only, at 325 locations nationwide in 43 states. Call today to schedule your free confidential tax settlement analysis. Get the peace of mind that you have started down the road to recovery. Now is the time to act. Call JK Harris today at: (800) 621-0601.