Whenever I get tired of sitting in front of the television while my hubby watches one game after another, I get up and go shopping.
I like to bargain hunt. I love finding "best buys", 'clearance', and especially "final clearance".
Where is the best place to find these deals you ask?
Well, I've got the answer for you.
JC Penney!!!! they always have a sale of some sort going. Right now, they are having a 70% off sale. You can find some great buys now at JC Penney. If you don't want to go to the brick and mortar store, you can catch these sales on the internet also. Just go to:
www.jcpenney.com and find enough bargains that will make you happy.
I have found items for as little as $2.87. You can't buy the buttons for that price.