Reasons NOT to buy from them:
1. I bought an expensive Spanish designer leather and metal bracelet. Was told it was silver alloy, it turned out to be metal alloy with 12 micron silver plating after I checked the designed website.
2. The price was $194, $214 with tax. The designer website (retail price, not wholesale mind you) has it for $145 plus $23 for shipping - 25% less at least. Margin of 25%?
3. The very next day the leather strap started showing signs of distress - getting white where it goes to the buckle. As I brought it back, they advised me to use SADDLE OIL - wow, I forgot I should always buy it when I buy jewelry! I have a ton a genuine leather things and NEVER had to buy saddle oil.
4. Most important: the store has no refund, just exchange or store credit. And you are supposed to use the EXACT amount. They did me ""a favor"" by exchanging the bracelet for an item 4 dollars less expensive, promising a store credit for this amount. Ridiculous! This other bracelet, slightly under $200, costs $70 at an international artisans crafts website for the same Indian piece of jewelry. I know that for sure because I have a necklace of the same design. Never again - this is a rip off!