Nice because they were local and live in Laguna Woods, so we thought they would be very thorough and experienced. We called for information on selling or renting our condo and ended up meeting them at our condo that day with a possible tenant. Us, being very inexperienced, wanted guidance and honesty. What we got was a realtor that wanted someone they knew to get into a place as cheaply anddishonestly as possible. They tricked us into renting it to him. After we signed the rental agreement, we realized, we didn't really know anything about the guy. We asked to see the Credit report, HMMMM, they hadn't even pulled it. They pulled it after the agreement was signed AND after we asked to see it. When we did get it, it was only the front page that ONLY had his score. No current or previous address, employment, etc. The rental application was incomplete and didn't tell us anything about him. We asked for the Rental Application and there wasn't one, until we asked to see it. That too, was incomplete. No Drivers license # or state issued in, but he had a car. No license plate # or state. No previous addresses, employment, bank information, no references. Janice told us he was from Florida and trying to sell his house without luck, so he moved in with his sister (which we believe to be her) in Laguna Woods. Then Tom her husband told us that he was renting somewhere, his checks had a Riverside, CA return address and his cell phone is a state of Ohio area code. Janice also asked if she could hold the security for the 12 month term instead of giving it to us. Then when she did give us the security, she deducted her fee out of the money. How did she do that unless the tenant made it out to her? On top of that, she didn't charge him the correct security, he underpaid by $150.00. I t hink she thought we wouldn't notice, if she deducted her fee from the original amount. We asked numerous times for completed applications but they just ignore your emails. They almost tricked us into signing the Listing agreement guaranteeing that if the tenant agreed to extend the lease, she would get another fee and id we decided to sell the property, she would be the selling agent. She convinced us to hold the property for almost two months for this tenant saying that finding a tenant these days is almost impossible and having one guaranteed is better than not having one at all. I know, we should've did our homework before hiring them and that is our fault that we got robbed and tricked and were not given our ""due diligence."" BUT, that does not give them the right to not give us the service that we paid her for. We should've done it ourselves. They sis nothing for us and now her friend/relative has a very nice place at a next to nothing cost to live in for 12 months!!! LESSON LEARNED!!!