What a mess! I am following up on the review that I wrote April 8th. After getting back my ill-fitting, oblong, warped ring post-getting it sized from J. Keith's GUESS WHAT? A diamond fell out. True story. It was a tiny diamond from the side of the ring, but at this point I had only had the ring for a month and a half. I was fed up. I sent my poor fiance in to do the talking. "Wow, this ring is really warped," they said. Yeah, no kidding. "There's no way it could have left the shop like this." Ummm. Newsflash. It did. "You're fiance must have put some sort of pressure on it to misshape this ring." (Words from the mouth of J. Keith himself. What a guy!) Really. I mean really? The most strenuous thing I had done with that ring on was play a game of indoor soccer. WOW. We will hopefully get our money back and go somewhere else. I would not wish this circumstance or service on anyone.