Itasca Baptist Church is a body of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ whom God has gathered together as a family. We exist to worship Him corporately, to nurture one another toward maturity in Christ through obedience to the Word of God, and to impact the world by displaying and declaring the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.
Sunday Worship 11:00am; Wednesday 7:00pm; Sunday School 10:00am.
What We Believe
We believe in the manifest presence of God? therefore we commit to
encounter God whenever we gather.
We believe God shapes us through other people? therefore we commit to
build meaningful, authentic relationships.
We believe everyone has an active role to play in expanding God?s
kingdom? therefore we commit to help one another discern and live out
our roles.
We believe effective ministry is done through the Holy Spirit?s power?
therefore we commit to embrace the Spirit?s gifts and cultivate His
We believe God listens to us, speaks to us and acts through us?
therefore we commit to permeate our life together with prayer.
We believe that the Bible is true, relevant, and essential? therefore
we commit to teach, preach, read, and live out God?s word.