With Iron Mountain, it's simple.
For over 60 years, more than 80,000 small and medium businesses have trusted Iron Mountain to safegaurd their information and free up their office or self-storage space. Here's why:
• Local Service—Securely store your records and business items, locally. No more hassles with packing and hauling boxes to a storage unit or trying to find a box in a packed basement.
• One-Stop Shop—Scan, store or shred your assets. Our experts can help you develop a plan to digitize your documents today, store what you need for tomorrow, and destroy the stuff you'll never need again.
• Get help when you need it—Your boxes and digital images are accessible online with just a few simple clicks. Even better, our 24/7/365 customer support team will answer all your questions while helping you understand what to scan, what to store, and what to destroy.
• Right-Sized Service—Whether you're looking to scan, store, or shred a few boxes or an entire warehouse, there is an affordable package that can fit your business and grow alongside it.. Sorting through piles of paper,file cabinets and boxes to find what you need is time consuming and costly. You're on the quest for a more paperless office,but where do you start?
By scanning,storing,and destroying your documents with Iron Mountain,you can free up valuable office space and make it easier and faster to find the documents you need—giving you back the time you need to focus on other key initiatives. More importantly,we take care of your documents and information as if it we're our own.