FUN PEOPLE! FUN BARTENDERS! (OK- Very HOT Bartenders :-) :-) ...... A coincidence maybe- ALL ladies- really no guys behind the bar!
Mondays and Tuesday ALL DAY, great drinks at Great Prices!!! NOT KIDDING! FOOD during ALL Packer Games AND THE BREWER PLAYOFFS!!
Easy going crowd, good drinks, very cold beers! ""Sometimes"", even without a special occasion there is food out for the customers too!
Always FRESH popcorn on the bar! Nice Packer and Brewers game viewers! A ""Da Bears"" fan came in once or twice- Hey we LOVED him anyway! Come on in again dude we are friendly! Heck we like Dallas fans too!
NOT sure why? It seems some people think a bar on the edge of Franklin cannot be fun? THIS ONE IS FUN................
When you are there say hi to: Wall Street, Lieutenant Dan, R-Bird, Chinner, Hi-Brow, Low Brow, No Brow, Amberlicious, Speed Racer, Awesome Amy, Tammy Tempting, Just A Friend Joe, Capital, ""Satch-The-Catch--"", Melody From Mars, TIM of ""The Chili Dog"" Concessions Fame (ask for extra mustard!), Chef Red, Tim The Tree Dude, Debbie The Trimmer or Ma!
You have to stop in an check out the place! Ask for the ""PARTY WITH THE FAT GUY"" Dude (Jimmy). Or Amber, Amy, Tammy or Angie, or ""Ma"" when you stop in for a drink! Mention this review and YOU get a Free Spin On The ""Win A Drink Wheel"" ! ! ! !
Rock Smirnoff.................