The only good thing that can be said about this complex is that it LOOKS nice from the outside. The list of negative aspects is endless! I lived there for four years and everyone I spoke to stated that they were unhappy living there. Most of the buildings are infested with termites. Every year, termites would swarm and crawl all over my stove, in my cabinets and on my floors. When I called in a maintenance request, I would have to call back ATLEAST twice over a period of weeks because no one ever came out. Many times, I had to call back six times or so, over a period of months. At one point, ALL of the lights in my building were out for SIX MONTHS, causing me to almost fall down the stairs, not to mention the danger of being attacked in the hallway, as someone else actually was. I came to find out that the office staff gossipped about the residents, reffering to me as ""bitchy"" because I called them and fussed about the issues not being addressed. I also came to find out that the office staff would not even submit work orders, many times, when we called in maintenace issues. Several other residents and I noticed that the office staff would NEVER return our calls, would screen our calls (since they had caller ID) and would put us on speakerphone when we called. One member of the staff was especially unprofessional. The first time I met her, I walked in the office and she looked at me as if to say