Crabby old man works here... I listened to him kick people off his property while the road was closed in front of his business today. It looked like a news crew had parked in his lot to go and get some footage of the accident. Mind you, the lot was empty... he kicked them off and then stood out at the street to make sure nobody else came in. There was no apparent reason for him to do that. He kept saying ""this is private property""... who cares? What's the point of being an jerk to people for no apparent reason. I was across the street, by the diner watching him. Based on this, I would advise people not to go there... there can't possibly be good customer service there if this guy has a stick up his butt.
By the way, the news crew parked the SUV across the street and was gone within 5-10 minutes... no harm would have been done to let them park in his lot. Instead, he just pissed people off and made a fool of himself to whoever saw him. It's a stupid incident but I guess it just goes to show you the character or somebody.