DO NOT TAKE YOUR CAR HERE!! I got hit 2 months ago and I'm still waiting for my car to be finished after weeks and weeks of ""it'll be done on ___ day."" What turned into an original estimate of 2 weeks has turned into almost 7 weeks and still no car.
My accident happened on Riverside Drive in Sherman Oaks and it was a fairly serious accident that rendered both our cars not drivable but both of us relatively safe. The other driver admitted fault and we were both OK so I wasn't terribly worried about the whole thing. As we're sitting on the side of the road a BMW rolls up and offers us brochures to his shop. Thinking it's sleazy I ignore him. Tow trucks arrive and my car is towed to ""the closest Ford body shop"" which I realize later is the same brochure shop. After reassurances from my own insurance company who said they trusted them (and yet were not paying for anything), and the fact that I didn't have a preferred shop, I let the car stay there. WORST MISTAKE EVER. Is optimism even allowed during car accidents?
After completely maxing out the insurance policy and the car rental, they offered me a loaner since it was obviously their fault they took too long. My fault for thinking this would be a no-brainer because of course they tried to give me a car with expired tags. How do you try to make amends to a dissatisfied customer and attempt to fix a problem you caused by offering up a loaner you can't give them?? They were either too incompetent to notice, or too sleazy to care. Thankfully I checked the tags before I drove off because the last thing I needed was a ticket for expired tags on THEIR car.
The only updates I've ever received have been when I've called thinking my car was ready and they say ""they're almost done"" and it'll be done ""for sure"" in a day or two. Needless to say this happens every time I call and I've started calling every day this week to track their very very slow progress. And every time I call they offer NO APOLOGIES, JUST EXCUSES AND A BAD ATTITUDE. Tony has been the one helping/stalling me in case that's of any use to anyone.
Trust and customer service from a body shop? Too much to ask for? That's right...optimism and in this case, patience not allowed.