I have been a patient at interfaith for 6 years. I had my records sent from my previous Dr at least 3x's. I paid for the records the last time, and interfaith lost parts of my file! The important part, that states I have Crohn's, & Lupus. I also have a bone tumor that needs yearly MRI's, but they lost that too! I paid for all my blood work, MRI's, Xrays back when I was able to work, and had insurance. Now I'm disabled, and get state medical. Continued care has been next to impossible at interfaith! I'm in constant pain, and after asking for a MRI, after 6 years I finally got one. idk if the Enchondroma has grown ( crush injury) because they lost the MRI! I have daily diarrhea, bone and joint pain, muscle weakness, nausea, fatigue, edema, abdominal pain. I loose potassium, vitamin D and calcium that I have to take prescribed pills to replace the vit D, cal, and potassium I loose! I rarely see the same dr twice, but when I do, they just dont take the time to listen! I did finally get an xray, that shows arthritis in both knees, after I complained for 2 years. Did I get a "i'm sorry I didn't listen, lets investigate this better? No! I have real documented health problems, and autoimmune diseases run in my family. But they act like it's all in my mind, or that I want drugs. btw I dont take narcotics, only aspirin, and tramadol for pain that does nothing. At least they treat me for my Hypothyroidism! They also missed diagnosed my son, who complained about eye pain & headaches. He had a detached retina that needed laser surgery! Thank God for his endocrinologist correctly sending him to an ophthalmologist for Glaucoma Evaluation and later Surgery! Otherwise he would have lost his vision in that eye! Interfaith may be good to go to for a cold, but for serious health problems they couldn't diagnose spots on a leopard! We are still searching for real doctors, but so far none in this area will take our state insurance. They have a high turn over, many drs leave interfaith too. Why is that?