Are you a teenage driver, or a person with a not-so-clean driving
record? If so, chances are you've discovered that auto insurance rates for people in your particular group are extremely expensive. We are here to offer an alternative. Insurance King, located in Rockford, IL, offers low-cost insurance for people who wouldn't normally qualify for better rates with traditional agencies.
We are open six days a week, and will be happy to give you a quote
over the phone. We guarantee that you will have a low down payment
and low monthly payment in comparison to what you'd pay at another agency.
We offer affordable insurance to:
• Drivers with DUIs
• Drivers with tickets
• Drivers who've had their licenses suspended or revoked
• Mexican or international drivers
• Teenage drivers
Call for your quote today! Start saving money!. Motorcycle Insurance|Motorcycle Insurance|Auto Insurance||Good Driver Discounts|Tickets|Low Down Payments|Low Monthly Payments|DUI's|Suspensions|Low Cost Auto Insurance|Revocations|Teen Drivers|Phone Quotes Welcomed|Mexican International Licenses|Sr-22"S While-U-Wait