When ITC started in 1983, the company primarily sold computers to insurance agents with some rating software. After a couple years, we switched our focus from hardware to software. Here is a timeline of the major milestones in ITC history:
1985 - Launched comparative rating system TurboRater in Texas
2006 - Purchased agency management system InsurancePro
2008 - Purchased Insurance Website Builder from Evolution Designs
2008 - Launched online consumer rater TurboRater for Websites, originally named eTurboRater
2011 - Launched automated agency marketing system AgencyBuzz
2015 - Purchased Multico-Online from Multico Rating Systems Incorporated
2018 - Purchased Assurance Systems Incorporated, including AccuAuto, AccuAgency, and AgencyThrive
2019 - Purchased Smart Harbor from The Shipyard
ITC's products make insurance agencies more efficient through automation, and our services help them to compete online through online marketing strategies and tactics that drive website traffic.