I am simply astonished by JCruz's review. I came into contact with this company after an automobile drove into my Mom's house. I felt that she needed some assistance with this process as she is elderly and in declining health.
They provided no observable assistance, but they did extract 20% from the payout (which, by the way, after 10 weeks I have as yet to receive one thin dime, even though the check was sent out from the insurance company after two weeks).
All throughout this process they did not return my phone calls, did not answer my e-mails or provide any status or updates unless I really ""rattled their cage"".
The insurance company in question is Liberty Mutual, and they pretty much wrote out a check for what they thought they were willing to pay and made it clear that the next step, well there was no next step. You see, the policy defines that the only recourse is binding arbitration or bringing on the lawyers, and frankly the claim was too small for either of these.
Bottom line: Avoid this company at all cost. If you have a claim and it is 5 or 6 figures, and you feel screwed, well frankly, you probably are. If the injustice is in the millions, you need a lawyer, not these people. They will simply reduce the size of your payout with their fees, and provide no measurable result. I didn't need to have my hand held, I needed measurable results in the size of the settlement.
I cannot adequately express my disappointment and anger with Insurance Adjustment Bureau in civil language.
Pros: None that I can think of.
Cons: This company does not add *any* value to the process.