Call on Innovative Laser Solutions LLC for custom engraving of trophies, awards, plaques, promotional products, gifts and more. We can engrave glasses for the bride and groom, athletic and academic trophies for schools or awards to recognize corporate achievers. Innovative Laser Solutions will customize anything, including tools and gifts. We are members of the Tolland County Chamber of Commerce. Find us on Facebook or call 860-930-0913 or 860-858-5061.. Engraving,Custom Engraving,Engravers,Trophies,Plaques,Corporate Awards,Promotional Products,Gifts,Engraved Glasses,Engraved Bottles,Engraved Pens,Champagne Glasses,Sports Trphies,Achievement Plaques,Achievement Trophies,Engraved Trophies School Trophies,School Plaques,Team Trophies,Engraved School Trophies,Engraved School Trophies,Engraved School Plaques,Engraved Team Trophies