Back 100 years ago, before interstate highways and commuter airlines, people drove down narrow country roads at 25 miles per hour. Farmers capitalized on these new "tourists" with whatever roadside attractions they could. Indian Trail Caverns "Sheriden cave" on the road between Findlay and Carey Ohio has its roots in this history. But unlike many mom & pop operations that have gone cheesy commercial, Indian Trail Caverns is still as interesting and charming as it probably was when our great-grandparents stopped by in their tin-lizzy. The owner, who inherited the cave from his father, will give you a short history and then a local high-school student will guide you through the cave. Pay extra attention to the things that make this cave 'unique'. There is a layer of black sediment only found in one other cave. There were bones of some critter only found in this cave. And be sure to ask your guide to show you Elvis.
This is an easy way to kill an hour or two, depending on how out of the way you have to drive. And I highly recommend taking the time to visit. In a world of manufactured quaint it is nice to visit with folks who just want to show you their cool hole in the ground.