Well, staff was extremely rude and arrogant. Sent two trucks when one would have gotten the job done and then tried to tell me that my wrecked vehicle was 150 yards off highway and need to be recovered by their ""specialty tow"". I may have been flown out to the hospital, but went back to the scene prior to contacting the tow company...wrecked vehicle was within 50 feet of highway and could have been recovered by any experienced driver with a rollback (1 truck to do job). Then wants to take my vehicle plus 980 dollars for tow bill or I pick up my vehicle and pay 895 dollars cash only exact change. As if they aren't going to profit off my car which while totaled still has excellent interior and basically new powertrain. Aside from the price which would have been paid gladly had a little customer service and respect been dealt, these people are rude, arrogant, and mouthy constantly running their mouths about things they don't realize I know in more detail than they do. Now they can keep that vehicle and tough on the rest of the bill...good luck in small claims court I think a judge will see it my way considering the scrape from the wrecked vehicle will surpass the tow bill. Just use another company if you are able.. NHP chose for me.. and complaint to be filed with them as well.