Thanks you for our loyal fans and clients taking the time to leave positive feedback. As for the negative comments being made by people who are not Imzz customers and have never done buisness with us. As for the individual that claims they drove from Temecula I know you are a liar because we do not do poor work and would never install improper parts and charge for them. I am asking for you to provide either a scanned copy of your invoice or the Imzz invoice number, date, and total you spent on this forum to its readers! I am asking this because I know you have no such proof or documents because you were not my customer and are posting fradulent posts to mislead possible customers of Imzz. To any interested parties come down and see the operation for yourself and meet the staff, we are always happy to give you a shop tour and give you a professional consultation on your project. We will continue to serve our clients to the best of our ability. 16 years in buisness, weve been publicated in over 100 magazines, won numerous awards and built cars for people all over the world. This did not happen with poor workmanship, quality issues and bad customer service. We are number one in the industry and will continue to uphold that title!