We have three cars serviced by ICE, one of which is an '83 Toyota Corolla. This is my 90-year-old mother's car, which she refuses to discard. Basically, the car is in pretty darn good shape for its years. But it is hard to find parts. Even so, ICE was able to replace the fuel pump and filter, then tune the car so that it ran better than it has for years. Yet -- it's back in the shop again because of an ignition problem. I'm pretty sure that this, too, will be resolved. I gave ICE the OK to take as long as needed to get the car running again and hopefully pass a smog-test in 2016. In the last go-around, I noticed that the engine compartment looked "clean as a whistle." I appreciate ICE's "do-or-die" assistance with this car. They've always done the best possible to keep our fleet of vehicles running and legal.