You may actually want to go visit Immortelle Talent in Vancouver. It's a small business. Not a "Chain" or a big corporation. It is owned and operated by a woman who only wants to be dignified, earn an honest living and provide a quality sevice to the community that she lives in and adores.
We live in a new world where small businesses are destroyed by vindictive people who write things that cannot be unwritten while they are in a temporary frame of mind. They write it, it doesn't matter if it is true or valid, they move on, and their tantrum stays behind like a stain on the business' wall. Immortelle Talent does not get a percentage of the money their Talent goes on to earn. Immortelle just gets to add the success story to their resume. Very few of Immortelle's students go on to be famous. Very few of the parents who sign their children up for training with Immortelle expect their children to start making the house payment in a year's time. Some do. Some think of their children as a lottery ticket. Immortelle Isn't all about money. The owner doesn't drive a Cadillac. She rides the bus.She would rather see a child who is told she or he isn't attractive by our society's standards come to realize that they are beautiful and unique and capable of doing or being whatever they choose in life. Immortelle Talent does have Pretty people who are on TV and in magazines and singing and dancing on stages with big audiences, but they also have people who just want a real and meaningful learning experience that goes beyond makeup and clothing. Immortelle students go to barbeques on the river with their families and coaches. They interact with their parents while doing something positive outside their school and peer-pressure environment. They learn who they are so they can figure out what they really want. They do not train for free, it's a business, they have to pay coaches, rent, wierd stuff like that.
Immortelle Talent has helped me personally by believing in me and most-importantly, helping me to believe in myself.