Welcome to Images International!
We provide various proven alternatives for hair loss treatment.
Through dedicated research, we have found our Intra-Strand and Folligraft processes are the most effective and widely applicable hair loss solutions. As well as laser hair therapy.
Our services include:
* Laser Hair Therapy
* Hair Replacement
* Hair Loss Replacement
* Female Hair Loss
* Wigs for Cancer Related Hair Loss
* Hair Regrowth through Laser Therapy
Along with incredible blending and consistent density, these processes allow for an avid lifestyle. We have committed ourselves to educating the public by offering free, no obligation consultations. These consultations are held in a relaxing and private office setting with a trained and experienced hair loss treatment professional.
We have 2 locations for your convenience, our 2nd Location is located:
18015 S. Torrence Ave
Lansing, IL 60438
Don't wait- call us today! We're looking forward to helping you achieve a more youthful appearance.
Ever have concerns about:
Bald, Balding, Bald Spot, Baldness, Baldness Cures, Chicago Bald, Chicago Growing Hair, Chicago Hair Loss Doctor, Chicago Hair Loss Treatment, Chicago Hair Loss Restoration, Female Bald, Female Hair Loss, Grow Hair, Hair Cloning, Hair Loss, Hair Loss Prevent, Hair Loss Stop, Hair Loss Treatment, Losing Hair, Male Pattern Baldness, Men Balding, Men Hair Loss, Naperville Bald, Oak Park Bald, Receding Hair - Hair Line, Regrow Hair, Thinning Hair, Laser Hair Therapy and more