Illinois Drug & Alcohol Counseling Services a DHS and DASA licensed counseling service, provides professional services to Peoria, IL, and surrounding areas. Pamila Green MA, NCC, LCPC has 25 years experience working with clients. Our highly trained and experienced staff is here to help you or your family when you need professional care and support.
Our services are completely confidential and include outpatient treatment, individual, group and family counseling, alcohol related counseling, DUI evaluation and risk education.
*DUI Evaluations
*Risk Education
*Out Patient Treatment
*Secretary of State Letters
*Behavioral Counseling
*Flexible Hours
Alternative Behavioral Counseling Services, ABC'S offers sessions for Individual, Family, and Couples of all ages:
*Self Development
*Stress Management
*Grief Counseling
*Transitions after Divorce or Separation
Please feel free to visit our website that will discuss your private pay options or please call today to set up your next appointment.