I first heard of Ide's Bowling in the Cayuga Waiters song "We Didn't Go to Harvard." I went there a couple times, but wasn't too impressed. The place is pretty old and rundown and you feel that kind of atmosphere when you walk in.
The ball selection is a little limited as well. One advantage is the automated scoring as opposed to paper and pencil. The price is a bit high for bowling. This is especially true if you are a Cornell student and can use the bowling lanes in Helen Newman. Compared to that facility, Ide's runs a far second. It is more expensive and the facilities aren't as nice.
Going to Ides is good when Helen Newman Lanes are closed, but that is the only time that I have gone there. I have tended to avoid the place overall.
My recommendation would be to try and use Helen Newman Lanes if you can, but if you are dying to bowl and can't go there then Ides should be suitable.