I just wanted to thank you again for the great experience I had in acquiring a $100,000 Working Capital Loan from you. It is so refreshing to work with someone like you and Madeline who truly understand how small businesspersons like me operate in everyday America. You looked beyond my credit score and realized the personal revolving debt I carried was used to fund my rapidly growing business, not foolish purchases of consumer goods. Traditional banks do not see into this.
I look forward to a continued relationship with your fine organization. Working with you and Madeline was like dealing with a friend down the street. When I called, I was always greeted courteously and acknowledged as a real person, not just a name and number. Most of all, I knew you really cared about me, and genuinely wanted to help me – which of course you did! Your application was short and easy to understand and everything was explained very clearly to me. I would highly recommend you to anyone.
E. James Sommers II
Steiner Cheese, LTD