IImage Retrieval is the American reseller of i2s book scanners and software. We sell high resolution planetary scanners designed to capture bound books, maps, newspapers, manuscripts, art work, and large format material. Along with manual book scanners, our company offers NextScan microfilm scanners and robotic book scanners from Kirtas Technologies and 4DigitalBooks.
IIRI also provides digital conversion services of microfilm, fiche, aperture cards, books, newspapers, and large format items. Our production environment is designed to offer competitive prices for both large and small jobs. We customize our workflow to meet and exceed our customer's needs. We work with the customer to recommend the best solution to convert their materials into a digital format.
For the past decade, IImage Retrieval has been synonymous with quality digital conversion services. Starting out as SunRise Imaging's largest reseller of microfilm scanners, IIRI has now expanded their expertise to offer a wide variety of imaging equipment and services.