We Do not Service Inkjet Printers or Any Printers for home usage Commercial Printers and Copiers Only! Estimates are $55.00 Estimate will apply to labor rate. KonicaMinolta Specialists, 54 Years of Combined Experience, Certified and Factory Trained. KonicaMinolta,Canon, HP, Ricoh, Panasonic, Sharp, Lexmark and many more. A Technician answers the phone when you call. You won't get that anywhere else. Are you paying $150, or more for copier or printer service? I.C.B.M can find a solution for you for under $100. Are you about to sign a long term lease using an out-of-the-area Lease company? Wait, I.C.B.M can provide a local alternative that won’t require any fine print or years of commitment . I.C.B.M, is a Technician Owned Small Business, with 54 years of Experience and Certification, and since we perform all the service, you get a business owner with every call. I.C.B.M, Inc. is a Full-Service Independent Copier Dealer located Central Florida, on Florida’s Space Coast. In business for 19 years, we provide sales and service of new and reconditioned copiers and printers. Although specializing in KonicaMinolta, I.C.B.M supports all brands of copiers and printers, We also offer I.S.O 9001 compatible printer cartridges. Let us provide solutions for you across the broad spectrum of office equipment. Experience equals performance, and that’s what set’s I.C.B.M apart from other companies.