To the guy below me.. repeating the F-Word over and over again doesn't make your review any better or more noticable..least in a good way.And who wants to order a pizza at noon..that's a heavy lunch! Most of the places I've seen in and around Troy start around 3/4 in the afternoon.. when people eat dinner.. ie. pizza.\r
As for I love NY.. it's pizza, which is dough, cheese, and sauce... what do you expect? It's simple comfort food, not brunch at the four seasons or dinner at a diamond rated restaurant. The only way you can really screw up pizza is by burning it, under-cooking it, or using nasty sauce.. none of which I Love NY does. I have a preference for pizza's with more flavor and I only really order I Love when grabbing a slice or all other spots are closed, it's not my favorite place but there's nothing wrong with it. So while I can't sing it's praises or go on a nice date there, it's good enough to be a pizza spot. \r
I do like the pizza more when I grab it by the slice, when ordered I think due to the volume of deliveries, they rush when cooking it and *sometimes* it can be a touch soggy or too saucey or not enough cheese. I usually order a calzone, which has yet to be done wrong. They have a minimum delivery price so you really can't order by the slice, however if you order say wings or a calzone you could add slices on to that and make the total for delivery.
Pros: It's good munchy food
Cons: Sometimes delivery quality doesn't match the shop's quality