It is always funny to see how brave people are when hiding behind a fake alias (pmpmpmpm) on the Internet. \r
Let's see: \r
Contract? Nope - you have the option to just go month or month, or you can sign up for unlimited classes until you reach a certain belt level - you decide. \r
Treatment gets worse as time goes on? Wrong again. Sounds to me like pmpmpmpm has a motivation problem. Does the art become more advanced as you progress? Sure it does. Does Master Elliott push you to your maximum potential if he sees you giving your maximum effort? Absolutely. Are you thankful for the quality of instruction and dedication of Master Elliott after every clas? You better believe it. Where else can you go and get direct instruction from the highest ranking member of the art in the state on your first day? \r
Finally, pmpmpmpm obviously has no knowledge of how anything that is worth having is achieved. You should be worried about exactly the OPPOSITE of what is described here - if you walk into a school and see a lot of high ranks, that indicates that the bar has been set too low, and you have likely come upon a 'belt factory' that is only interested in keeping your money flowing to them. \r
I would echo what others have said - don't take any Internet review as the truth - just go to the school and watch. That's what I did 3 years ago before I joined (visited a number of schools). This one CLEARLY stood alone amongst all of those that we visited - quality instruction, family atmosphere, no egos, tremendous sense of community. Go see it for yourself!