Driving Under The Influence:
When a person is charged with Driving Under the Influence in Kansas, two separate cases are created and proceed independently of the other. The first is the criminal case, the second is the Drivers License hearing. When the arresting officer hands the driver the traffic citation, the DUI criminal case is started. When the arresting officer hands the driver the 8.5 x 11 pink piece of paper (referred to as a DC-27 or Law Enforcement Officer's Certification), the DUI drivers license case is started.
Traffic And Criminal:
In Kansas, there are approximately 300 crimes that can be charged as felonies. There are approximately 400 crimes in Kansas that can be charged as misdemeanors. There are an almost innumerable number of offenses that can be charged as traffic infractions or violations of local or municipal ordinances. Most offenses can also be charged as an attempt to commit, solicitation to commit, or conspiracy to commit.