Your company is only as good as your employees.
The Huntington Resource is a specialist in helping your community members with filling employment openings throughout Chicagoland. Whether you are an employer looking for skilled professionals for critical positions or rounding out your employee base with great new hires, we strive to bring the best to you. We also work diligently with applicants looking for positions to find great opportunities to help advance their careers.We match the right employees with the right organizations in a variety of industries:• Administrative• Customer Service• Office / Clerical• Sales / Marketing• Manufacturing• IT/Application / Software / Telecommunications• Finance / Accounting / Banking• Healthcare• Human Resources• Distribution / WarehouseWe take the time in employee searching to match the unique qualities of each applicant with the distinctive characteristic of successful organizations.Call The Huntington Resource for the unsurpassed employment opportunities.. |Creative Services|Financial|Legal|Part-Time Placement|Industrial|Full-Time Placement|Clerical|Recruiters|Staffing Services|Technology|Employee Screening|Temporary Assignments|Temporary Assignments|Health Care|Sales