Huntington Learning center is the best tutoring center one could go to, especially if that one is a concerned parent looking to position their child with the best possible tools.
Huntington does not only teach math, they explains the logic of math. The teachers are principle based and they teach the logic of the subject matter so our children understand by learning the underlying principles essential for true understanding; i.e., no rote like Kumon learning, no memorization, but real, god honest understanding of the material.
The tutors are the crème de la crème of tutors, you could not do better, and would notice an immediate difference, to your relief I am sure.
This place can take a D student and make them an A student, so long as the child has some spark left for learning, they can be the fire starter.
Not to mention that ultimately, I actually saved more money from Huntington's tutoring in the form of scholarships for our eldest daughter than I paid for the tutoring!