I am a Marine wife who just moved here. My husband had been home for 7 months then left again. This is my first time dealing with civilian doctors in a very long time....or civilian anything for that matter. I already went into this situation with a certain level of anxiety due to just moving from California, enrolling my girls in 2 different schools and establishing a PCM for all of us while getting ready for my husband to leave again. I am accustomed to the way things are done on the base. With that said, I did work for a doctor prior to being a military wife for 10 years and we NEVER treated our patients the way her staff treated us. Dr. Hudman is stoic and close to being lethargic. She was not warm and she didn't take the time to listen to what meds have worked in the past with my ADD daughter. She gave me the meds that I asked for...finally... and told me to call if the dosage worked. Well it did and I called with pills left because she said that she would call it into my pharmacy. I called and was told by her RUDE nurse that she will not call ANY meds into ANY CVS. She said that ""she doesn't like them because they had messed up prescriptions in the past"". I explained to her that we were new in town and had already established prescriptions with CVS and that is where I want to continue going to. I don't want to have to go to 2 different pharmacies because the Doc ""didn't like them"". The nurse said that I can either not get the meds, choose a different pharmacy, or wait until Monday (too late) to get a written prescription from the doc. I had no choice to choose another pharmacy for the sake of my daughter's well being. I feel like she compromised my daughter's healthcare. Because we are Tricare, there are no a lot of female physicians in the area and this doctor knows that and she takes advantage of it. You have to play by her rules or else. I'm pretty sure that the Hippocratic oath that she had to take didn't involve strong-arming your patients into what they don't want to do. Anyways, after the nurse said that they would be calling into the Walgreens, I told her that I would be lodging a complaining with Tricare and that I will be finding another physician for my daughter. She said ""FINE!"" and hung up on me. DO NOT go to this doctor. I have just sealed the envelope to send to the regional grievance coordinator with Tricare. I WILL NOT be treated and disrespected in this way, I don't care how many credentials you have after your name.