Dr Hudec had a young, inexperienced woman re-doing my filings. During the drilling, she was dropping the drill & tools on my chest and tugging at my mouth. I felt she was doing this to me purposely .. totally rude. After the abuse, she showed me my mouth & my 4 bottom teeth were now extremely white, in fact they were glowing, not matching my other teeth at all. She used the wrong color. So, at that point i asked to see Dr Hudec - he agreed that the color was off so he had another woman come in and remove the fillings again (more drilling) and put new fillings in. Not to mention the Novocain wore off so I needed another round. I was there for 4 hours... I was told It would only take 45mins. 4 hours of lost work, my employer was not happy. And to top off my horrible experience, they sent me a bill for more than what I was told it would be. I had to fight this. I explained to him how I spent the better part of my day there and how I had to go through the drilling twice and 2 rounds of novocain & how the first woman treated me. He put a good fight and finally adjusted the bill.