So far I have not been impressed with the quality of work from this Houston Camera Repair.
They received my camera 10/17/06 and within a week said it was fixed....I was thinking Great!. Too my dismay the camera was in worse shape then when I gave it to them and had a new error on the screen I had never seen before.
It's been about two months now and I call on a regular basis and the only reply I get is "it's waiting for parts" Perhaps they are correct, perhaps they are not.
I checked on BBB and found out they have an Unsatifactory rating:
Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the Bureau due to unanswered complaint(s).
When evaluating complaint information, please consider the company's size and volume of business. The number of complaints filed against the company may not be as important as the type of complaints and how the company handled them.
The Bureau processed a total of 17 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total 17 complaints in the last 36 months, 4 of those were closed in the last 12 months.
Complaints Concerned
Advertising Issues: 1
Outcome of the complaint -
No Response: 1
Repair Issues: 15
Outcome of all complaints -
Resolved: 3; Unresolved: 1; No Response: 11
Refund or Exchange Issues: 1
Outcome of the complaint -
No Response: 1
Update 12/22/06
I received my camera today and it is in working order and hopefully it will stay fixed. However the experience I had in dealing with the shop were pretty shady and unprofessional and again, there BBB reports is a big red flag too.
I would try sending my camera off to Canon in the first place instead of going through Houston Camera Repair. Perhaps there are other camera repair stores in Houston that might be worth a shot as well.