This store is a little off the beaten path, but worth the trip. When you enter, there are several levels which accomodate a variety of tastes. If you're buying for someone who likes knick knacks or trinkets, the top and 3rd levels are for you. They carry blankets, picture frames, flags, country kitchen decor and holiday items.
The bottom level had a lot of their more intricate candles with the scrolling and multiple layers of color. You can also see the process of making a candle. They have dippers working on the premises on this floor.
The neat thing about these candles is that the candles can be pinched on the soft ends as they soften and will scroll down as you burn them. They turn out very prettily and you get more bang for you buck b/c they don't just burn straight down leaving a lot of unused scented wax. The scent is also consistent; you won't get one that doesn't "work" or smell the way you thought it did when you bought it.
Don't forget to check out back where the petting zoo is. There are also exotic birds such as peacocks to keep children busy and enchanted.